
Exit Calculator

Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to informed decision-making.

Unlock the Future: Calculate Your Equity with Ease!

Capbase is a company that understands the challenges and complexities of running a business, especially for startups. With the core belief that every company needs a single system to manage all aspects of their legal and financial back office, Capbase offers a comprehensive solution to help startups navigate the cumbersome and expensive processes of running a business.

In this project that I am presenting, I cover a new and free tool that we are offering:  Exit Calculator. By using the Exit Calculator, users can gain a deeper understanding of their company's potential and what they stand to gain from it. With this tool, users can see how their company can evolve and grow, providing them with valuable insights and a roadmap for success. Whether they are just starting out or looking to exit their company, the Exit Calculator is an essential tool for any entrepreneur looking to make informed decisions about their business.




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Lead Product Designer


My Role

I led the design process of this project from the initial kick-off to the final delivery for the desktop, including the responsive experience. For this project, I worked with stakeholders and with a UI designer to deliver the project to our clients as soon as possible.


How can we increase our growth?

One effective growth tactic for companies is to launch a free tool that provides value to potential clients. This strategy not only helps businesses to showcase their expertise and knowledge in a particular field but also allows potential clients to get a sense of the quality of their products or services.

At Capbase, we understand the importance of this approach and launched the Exit Calculator as a free tool to help clients understand the potential gains from their company. By offering this tool, we not only provide value to our clients but also show them the potential of our products and services, building trust and establishing ourselves as experts in our field. Additionally, the Exit Calculator allows potential clients to get a sense of how user-friendly and well-designed our products are, making it easier for them to consider signing up for our services in the future.


How did we do it?

Each project is unique so my process differs as well. Presented below are the steps that I followed for this project:

Competitors research: When it comes to product design, competitor research is an essential step in understanding the market and identifying opportunities for differentiation. With regards to the Exit Calculator tool, there are a number of existing options that offer similar functionality. However, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these existing tools is key to creating a product that stands out from the competition.

After performing the competitor's research, some of the findings were that the existing tools are overly complicated, making it difficult for users to understand and use effectively. Additionally, they may lack the level of customization and personalization that businesses need to fully understand the potential outcomes of their exit.

User research: In order to create a tool that truly meets the needs of its target audience, I conducted extensive user research to understand the challenges that users face when estimating different scenarios for their company exit. This involved gathering feedback from a variety of sources, including current and potential clients, investors, and industry experts. By gaining a deep understanding of user needs and pain points, I was able to design a tool that addresses these challenges and provides valuable insights.

Stakeholder requirements gathering: As part of the design process for the Exit Calculator, I engaged with stakeholders to define the requirements for the tool and ensure that it met the needs of all parties involved. This involved discussing the features and functionality that should be included in the tool, as well as any specific customization options that stakeholders would like to see. By gathering input from all stakeholders and agreeing on the requirements upfront, we were able to create a tool that not only meets the needs of the clients but also aligns with the company's broader strategic objectives.

Design: The design phase of the Exit Calculator started with the creation of a diagram flow and low-fidelity prototypes. These early designs were used to explore different options for the tool's interface and functionality and to identify any potential usability issues or challenges. Once the low-fidelity prototypes were refined and polished, high-fidelity designs were created, incorporating more detail and nuance. During this phase, feedback from stakeholders and other team members was incorporated to ensure that the designs met the requirements of the project and to identify opportunities for improvement. By taking a collaborative approach to design, the team was able to create a tool that was visually appealing, easy to use, and met the needs of both new and existing clients.

Deliver: Once the design was finalized, I created the necessary deliverables for the engineering team, including detailed specifications, wireframes, and mockups. I worked closely with the team throughout the development process, providing additional information and guidance as needed. By collaborating closely with the engineering team, I was able to ensure that the final product met our high standards for functionality and user-friendliness.

Overall, the design process for the Exit Calculator was iterative and user-focused, with each step building upon the insights and feedback gathered in the previous steps. By engaging with stakeholders to define requirements and taking a structured approach to design, Capbase was able to create a tool that truly meets the needs of its target audience and stands out from the competition.


What is the potential value of your shares?

For founders who have equity stakes in their startups, understanding the potential value of their shares at a future exit can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Currently, there is a lack of readily available and easy-to-use tools that can accurately calculate the potential value of a founder's shares in the event of a future exit, such as an IPO or acquisition.

This presents a significant problem for founders, as they may not have a clear understanding of the financial implications of their equity stake, and may struggle to make informed decisions regarding funding, hiring, and growth strategies for their business.

To address this problem, there is a need for a software solution that can quickly and accurately calculate the potential value of a founder's shares at a future exit. The tool should be easy to use and provide clear and actionable insights that can help founders make informed decisions about their businesses. This tool should be accessible to all founders, regardless of their financial expertise, and should provide accurate and reliable calculations based on a range of exit scenarios.


How can we make this a seamless experience?

One constraint that I had to keep in mind was ensuring that the feature could be seamlessly integrated into Capbase's existing product, not designing it only as a free marketing asset. This meant designing the tool in such a way that it could be used by both existing and new clients, without compromising the user experience for either group.

An important aspect that I had to keep in mind was the need to leverage the data that Capbase already had on its existing clients. As Capbase manages its clients' cap tables, we were able to use this data to prepopulate certain fields in the Exit Calculator, making it even easier for existing clients to use the feature. This approach also helped to ensure that the tool remained accurate and reliable, as it was based on the same data that Capbase uses to manage its clients' finances and legal obligations.


Solution breakdown

The Exit Calculator is a highly interactive tool that guides users through the process of simulating potential exits for their business. Users will begin by inputting information about their company's current state, such as their valuation and ownership structure. They will then be prompted to input hypothetical scenarios for future funding rounds, employee hires, and eventual exits. The tool will utilize this information to project the impact of each scenario on the equity distribution of the company and to present future material gains.

Entry point: The Exit Calculator will be prominently featured on the Capbase website, with a clear call to action to encourage users to try it out. The landing page will provide a brief overview of the tool and its benefits, with links to additional resources for users who want to learn more.


The Exit Calculator tool: The tool itself will be divided into several steps, starting with the user inputting information about the company's current state and funding history. Users will then be guided through a series of questions to simulate different exit scenarios, including selecting an exit type, setting a valuation, and choosing how to distribute the proceeds. The tool will be highly customizable, allowing users to adjust inputs and see how changes affect the outcome.

Partial results: As users work through the simulation, the tool will display real-time updates on how equity is being distributed based on the user's inputs. This will allow users to experiment with different scenarios and quickly see how changes affect the outcome.

Results: Once the user has completed the simulation, they will be presented with a detailed breakdown of the expected outcome for their chosen scenario. This will include a summary of the expected equity distribution, as well as an estimate of the total proceeds and the amount each shareholder can expect to receive.

Share results: To help users share the results of their simulation and collaborate with others, the tool will provide an option to generate a shareable link or export the results as a PDF report. This will make it easy for users to discuss their exit strategy with co-founders, advisors, and potential investors.


Next steps

In conclusion, the Exit Calculator represents a major step forward for Capbase and its clients, providing a powerful tool for simulating and estimating the value of different exit scenarios. However, the work is not over yet. The next step is to launch the tool and monitor user feedback and interactions. This will allow us to identify any areas where improvements can be made and to continue refining the tool to better meet the needs of our clients. We look forward to bringing this valuable tool to market and helping our clients navigate the complex world of equity management with confidence and ease.

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